Political Cartoons

In this picture, I found it interesting how the baby birds were calling their mother, who was providing them with decent food, for unhealthy foods, such as McDonald’s and other fast food restaurants.  This is a very similar situation to real life in that parents constantly battle with their kids’ desires and addictions to fast foods.






This cartoon clearly pokes fun at the uncontrolled portion sizes of American diet.  Uncle Sam is gorging in a bucket of fried chicken, with his shirt buttons bulging and his jacket countless sizes too small, he represents the obesity epidemic of America, and how we drown ourselves in food because of its addictive nature.  The doctor says, what “portion of control” don’t you understand?  Which again ridicules the idea of “portion control” that we as American’s have difficulty understanding and implementing in our lives.


This cartoon is again poking fun at the American/fast food diet.  Smoking is notorious for being a carcinogen and being detrimental to our overall health.  Well, so is trans fat, and in this cartoon, it is being compared to smoking, which is a crazy comparison if you think about that negative effects smoking has on peoples’ health.  However, there have been numerous health studies that have been conducted which illustrate the consequences of consuming trans fats.







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